Monday, May 16, 2011

Outbreak Preview

Swine Flu, H1N1, SARS, TB and a plethora of other contagious diseases are not in the news cycle too much these days. The economy and the upcoming elections seem to be dominating, but that doesn't mean that we should not be concerned with the spread of disease.

Last year we produced a video entitled "OUTBREAK: What Every Employee Should Know" with our friend Jan Decker of Crisis Management Consulting year as a response to the increasing threat of the spread of contagious disease because of bad hygiene and personal practices in the workplace.

At about 15 minutes in length, this video is a must for all employers and can be viewed in staff and employee meetings. You can purchase on-line at our collaborative website High Note Video. $39.95. Call directly for volume discounts 253-539-3438 (McKenna Video) or 253-261-2704 (Jan Decker) or to arrange an on-line viewing session.



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