Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why Uncle Charlie's wedding video won't make you happy

Or cousin Steve, best-friend Jim, or the friend-of-a-friend for that matter.

We have seen many despondent former brides (i.e., just married) over the last couple of years asking us to do something with the video that an amateur shot for them. Some of the problems that we have seen range from bad or inaudible audio to uncontrollable camera shake, from severe backlighting (causing silhouettes) to an out-of-focus subject. While we sympathize with these people a lot, 9 times out of 10 there is not too much we can do to make their video better.

Here is a rundown of the top complaints that we hear for former brides:

1) I can’t hear our vows;
2) There is too much ambient noise (i.e., babies crying, guests talking, etc.);
3) The picture is too shaky;
4) The video is hard to follow;
5) The camera man missed my bouquet toss;
6) There is only 1 camera angle.

We have noticed that these are becoming a bigger and bigger problem and, quite frankly, occurring with far too much frequency. While a lot of people want to have their wedding video taped, a lot can’t or don’t want to pay for it. When we encounter people that fall into this category, we encourage them to try and put a dollar figure on never being able to relive your wedding in a way that you deserve. They usually can’t because no dollar figure could ever be placed on that.

You want the best photographer for your wedding, the best locale, the best caterer. So why not the best video? Explore all your options for video and don’t settle for Uncle Charlie.

Visit MVS Weddings for more information.

God’s peace and mercy,


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