Friday, April 9, 2010

The Apple iPad

We've been waiting for a tool like the Apple iPad to hit the market and we are certainly excited that its finally here. Or is it?

We are not ones to be first adapters of anything. In my opinion, if its not broke don't fix it, so jumping into a new and untested technology has never been high on my list. I would rather have the bugs worked out, the apps to hit the market, etc. rather than dealing with the headaches and frustrations that undoubetely come with any new technology. So we wait.

But every once in a while something hits the market that seems like the absolute "must have." Such is the case with the iPad. Here is a device that is small and light enough to take with you, but large enough to play high-def movies, keep a calendar, email, surf the web, and so one in relative pleasure (have you ever tried to surf the web with a blackberry or iPhone?).

But having said that, we are still not going to jump in as a first adapter. We'll wait a few months or until the next generation comes out (I really want an application that will sync all my calendars-home and work). In the mean time, you may be interested in what the technogeeks have to say about it. So posted here is a link to one of the best reviews of the iPad that we've seen so far (if we find more we'll post those too.).

In the mean time, let us know if you have one and how you like or dislike it. We'd love to know.



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