Friday, December 3, 2010

Tacoma Television Commercials

We've been busy editing video the last few weeks, and over the last couple of months have produced 2 television commercials. Maybe you've seen them.

Want to share them here.

Let us know what you think and be sure to support these businesses.



Friday, October 1, 2010

Where have you been?

October 1. WOW. Where has the last couple of months gone?

I received a note from a follower the other day asking me "what's up...haven't heard from you in a while. Are you still alive?" Well, yes, I'm still alive and kicking, well more like hobbling. Yes, I'm still here and still producing video. And despite the slowdown in production and transfers, I have been busy with work and well, life, putting the blog and newsletters on the bottom of the "to do" list.

So my last post to this blog was on July 6, I believe. Since then, we have had 6 weddings (and we're now done for the year) mixed into our normal workload. I have decided to take back some of my life and spend less time at the office and more time with the kids and on the soccer field (I am now on 2 soccer teams-one in Seattle and the other in Tacoma-as well as helping out my daughters team), I have donated some time to a few political candidates, playing guitar in church and well, watching more and more soccer (Lynette thinks that we've become obsessed with soccer since the World Cup earlier this summer). On the business side, we launched High Note Video with our friend, Jan Decker of Crisis Management Consulting, and have been working on making changes to our MVS Weddings and Chris McKenna Photography sites. (If you are or know a good flash web programmer please have them give me a call).

So, today I thought that it was time to resurrect posting to the blogs. So, later on I will post a few videos that have been completed in the last couple of months.

And by the way, in regards to this blog, I am contemplating a move to embedding this blog into our McKenna Video website. So if you have any feelings, one way or another, please let me know. And stay tuned for more information regarding the move if we decide to do so.



Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Eley Love Story

In honor of their first year as husband wife, we are posting an excerpt from a love story video that we put together last year for Jessica and Mark's wedding.

This video was shot on location at Pt. Defiance Park in Tacoma, WA in May of 2009 (what a different in weather we had this year-nothing like last year) and along the waterfront of Ruston, WA. We managed to complete it without too much interference from others, along a stray bird did "fowl" the scene a couple of times (no pun intended).

There entire video was approximately 20 minutes in length, about two times as long as this version. That their full-length video, we incorporated a lot of photographs from their growing up years and their years together as a couple.

We thought that we'd post the shorten version here with our congratulations on making it through year one.

Best wishes for many more happy years together.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

This video is a collection of photos that we put together to honor the Fathers in our church. Do you know anyone here?

Enjoy and blessings,


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Old film, old cars.

This video is a collection of "old car" footage collected from 16mm film that we transferred. We added the soundtrack and some of the "extras" contained here.

I love the shots where the passengers are holding cakes and drinks while driving over the "bumps" but can anyone tell me what they are doing with the teter-totter? I have an idea, but want to confirm it.



Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Thank You!

we pause to reflect
on the sacrifices that
our brothers, our fathers,
our fellow countrymen
made to keep us safe,
to keep us secure,
to give us freedom,
to give us liberty,
to give us a place to live,
to study as we choose,
free to worship as we choose,
free to pursue happiness as we choose.

We can't thank you enough
for the sacrifices that you made.

Today we honor you.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Video Tip #1: Buy a Good Camera

While I am always well intentioned to keep my blog full of great tips and techniques for great looking video, reality is that we don't always have time, motivation, and of course we don't want to give away any secrets as to what makes a McKenna Video a McKenna Video. There are some days, er weeks, where I want to write blog after blog, maybe even composing a book of secrets for the home user, but you know when you are running a business that has paying customers sometimes those customers take priority. Imagine that!

Having said that, I will tell you this: the first thing to consider before ever shooting a single frame of video is to the camera. So tip #1 goes something like this: BUY A GOOD CAMERA!

In these days and in this economy more and more people are looking for more bang for their buck. Ok, fine. I do the same. But realize that there is a difference between getting good value for your money and just throwing it away on junk that you won't be happy with.

Such is the case with cheap video cameras. While most home videographers will never win an Academy Award for cinematography, they can do whatever is in their control for obtaining the best images. Sorry to say folks, but sub-$300 cameras will not get you a great image. In fact, any camera that does not include 3-ccd chips will not get you a great image. Adequate? Possibly. But you will need to make sure that if you want superior images that you get a 3-CCD or CMOS device with as big as chips as you can afford. The last home device that I purchased had 1/3-inch CCD chip, only 1 vs. the 3 chips that I recommend and it did an ok job for my home needs. But I also paid $500 for it too.

Ok, and now about the sub $100 camera market. Unless you are looking for the novelty or are just wanting to post the quick and easy to YouTube, my recommendation is stay away from them. You can always post high-quality video to YouTube, but you can't take low quality YT video and make it great. Just like you can't make gold from lead or turn trash into treasure (if you ever figure that out let me know).

Anyway, hope this article helps as you shop around. Please see previous post about types of cameras at

For all your video needs, visit us at and for photography at . Our specialized wedding site is .



Monday, May 17, 2010

The Bennett-Feist Highlights

It must be a wedding kind of week. Here is another wedding highlight video, this time from the Bennett-Fesit wedding, which actually took place a year ago (the highlight being posted for their anniversary).

Their wedding was at the Liberty Theater in Puyallup, WA.

Congratulations, Jessica & Shyenne, on making it through your first year together.

Best wishes,


Friday, May 14, 2010

A Unique Wedding Processional

This short video is the processional from the Tholl-Bartlett wedding of a few months ago. This processional, with the meandering aisle, the old music, the "flapper" dresses of the bridesmaids, was as unique as the bride and groom are.

So we decided to spice up this portion of their wedding video a little with the "old movie" style. After this section, however, the video looses this flair and returns to "regular" video (not included in this sequence).

This wedding took place at the Engine Room at the Georgetown Studios, Seattle , Wa.

Enjoy the video and best wishes, Brittany and Dan, for many happy years together.



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day 2010

Here is a montage of photos that we put together of Mothers from our church.

Happy Mothers Day.



Friday, April 9, 2010

The Clarke Wedding Video Intro

Have you ever wondered what a professional wedding video looks like? Well, we can't post an entire wedding here, but I can post the intro sequence to one.

The Clarke's hired us to film only their wedding ceremony, but being the nice people we are, we filmed a little extra for them to enjoy the video so much more. So without further adeau, we present the Clark Wedding Video Intro.

This particular wedding occurred at the Windmill Gardens in Sumner, Wa.

If you would like more information on any of our wedding services, please navigate to or send us an email at Please keep in mind, and I'm sorry to be so blunt, that we are not 'craigslist' videographers so if your expectation for a wedding video is $300, please look elsewhere. But if you are interested in a professional wedding video from an award-winning studio that doesn't cost an arm-and-a-leg, then by all means give us a call.



The Apple iPad

We've been waiting for a tool like the Apple iPad to hit the market and we are certainly excited that its finally here. Or is it?

We are not ones to be first adapters of anything. In my opinion, if its not broke don't fix it, so jumping into a new and untested technology has never been high on my list. I would rather have the bugs worked out, the apps to hit the market, etc. rather than dealing with the headaches and frustrations that undoubetely come with any new technology. So we wait.

But every once in a while something hits the market that seems like the absolute "must have." Such is the case with the iPad. Here is a device that is small and light enough to take with you, but large enough to play high-def movies, keep a calendar, email, surf the web, and so one in relative pleasure (have you ever tried to surf the web with a blackberry or iPhone?).

But having said that, we are still not going to jump in as a first adapter. We'll wait a few months or until the next generation comes out (I really want an application that will sync all my calendars-home and work). In the mean time, you may be interested in what the technogeeks have to say about it. So posted here is a link to one of the best reviews of the iPad that we've seen so far (if we find more we'll post those too.).

In the mean time, let us know if you have one and how you like or dislike it. We'd love to know.



High Definition Demo

I was looking through this blog earlier today and noticed that I hadn't posted any video that we have shot with our new cameras. So here it is...

Murrays from Chris McKenna on Vimeo.

We shot this in high-definition using a Sony PMW-EX1R High-Definition Cameras a few weeks back. This demo is obviously of Murray's Collision Center, located in Kent, WA. This was a really great company to work with on this shoot, and we were glad we were given the opportunity to do so.

If you are interested in getting a video like this for your company, please visit our website or send us an email at Remember, video does not have to be expensive (actually our video is quite affordable) and doesn't have to be complicated.



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Low Price Does Not Equal High Quality

So we're a bit puzzled this morning. It seems that the economy has got consumers inventing new math.

I remember my basic arithmetic from grammar school and it went something like this:
1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
12 + 8 = 20
100 + 100 = 200
And so get it.

Well, it seems to us that with everything going on in our economy, healthcare, politics, etc. people seem to have forgotten their basic math. The new math appears to be:
1+1 = 3
2+2 = -15
12+8 = (x+3y)/(17x*sin45)
100+100 = whatever you want it to be.
It doesn't make sense, does it? It certainly confuses me.

So how does this relate to Video Production and the services that we provide. Well, lets take these crazy math equation and substitute price on one side and high quality and service on the other. So your new equation would look like this.
Low Price = High Quality, High Service
And thus the opposite must apply too-correct? That high price must equal low quality and low service. Do I have that right?

Sorry to say folks, but low price does not equal high quality and high service. In fact, in 99 times out of 100 it means just the opposite. There is a reason that the low cost leader in whatever service you're after is the low cost leader. Do they deal in volume? Do they cut corners with materials? Can you ever talk with an actual person? Do they outsource to foreign operated companies? Are they "too big" to fail? Do they get taxpayer subsidies? Do they also sell dog food and pizza?

I'll venture to guess that whatever the reason, at least one of the above reasons apply, maybe more.

I recently got a phonecall from a potential customer looking for pricing. Before quoting him my list price I explained to him all the benefits of using McKenna Video:
  • State-of the-art equipment
  • Premium materials (discs)
  • Fast turnaround times
  • We do the work-we don't outsource
  • Customized
  • The fact that you can actually talk to someone
  • Local business
However, that didn't seem to matter as he was focused solely on having the lowest cost possible (in this case I don't think even free would have been good enough). What he didn't realize was that for his $10 per tape (I know who he was quoting), he never, ever gets to talk with someone, he has no idea who is doing the work, he doesn't know where he tapes will end up, what equipment they use, what kind of disc his video will be transferred to, when he'll get them back, etc.

Another example was an email from an individual this morning wanting me to match Costco pricing for a service. Really? Costco? Come on, can anyone ever match Costco on anything? So the question that I ask is would you retain your attorney from Costco? Would you get your accounting done at Costco? Some might (if price is your ONLY consideration) but most people wouldn't because the quality of the service is just not there. So why would you get your video services done at Costco? (Sidenote-ask Costco who actually does their transfer work, where your tapes go, how long it takes, and what is the 'loss in factory' rate).

So it goes with any service, you might pay a little bit more than what you can find on the internet or what a big discount retailer or wholesaler might provide, but the service that that local business provides usually can't be beat.

I hope that this little dissertation helps you look beyond price as being the only factor in determining where you have your services performed.


Friday, February 19, 2010

McKenna Video Unveils New Logo


(February 18, 2010)

McKenna Video Services Unveils New Logo

(Puyallup, WA) McKenna Video Services announced today that they are unveiling a new logo.

“We are so excited about how our new logo will bridge the gap between McKenna Video Services, MVS Weddings and Chris McKenna Photography,” says co-owner Chris McKenna. "For the last five years, we have been searching for ways to bring unity to all our operating units and we believe that this new logo will help us achieve it," he adds.

The logo, the result of a contest between 20 different graphic designers will be implemented immediately into all McKenna video productions, including weddings, and the photography side of the business, Chris McKenna Photography.

McKenna will continue to operate all 3 of their websites independent of each other for marketing purposes, but all printed marketing materials, videos and photographs will now bear the 'McKenna Video and Photo' brand.

For more information on McKenna Video Services and Chris McKenna Photography, visit their websites at, and or call 253-539-3438.


Getting Married in Pierce County, WA

So 2010 is the year that you are planning to get married? Maybe 2011 or 2012? Or maybe you’re already married. Great! Congratulations.

Well, we are in the process of collecting nominations for 10 best places to get married in Pierce County, WA (we’re actually planning to produce a video that features these places). So if you have your venue or church picked out, let us know what it is and where it is so we can add it to our list. (of course, it helps in the venue is beautiful and not your backyard). At the top of our list so far is Laurel Creek Manor and Rock Creek Gardens.

So let us know your thoughts. Drop us an email a or info@chrismckennaphotography or look us up on facebook ( ) and leave a note there.

We look forward to hearing from you. And we promise not to try and sell you something–unless you want us to. :-)



Wedding Planners in Pierce County, WA

To stress or not to stress...that is the question!

Do you have a friend who is getting married, or are you getting married yourself? Have you ever been to a wedding which was chaotic and unorganized-where the wedding party didn't know where to stand, the food was cold and the DJ stopped playing music leaving "dead air" during dinner? Awkward!?!?!

We have had the honor of documenting so many beautiful weddings over the years, some of which were well organized, others, well, could have used some (OK...a lot) of help. If you are a bride-to-be, my advice to you is to take that extra step to get new and innovative ideas, add a touch of luxury and alleviate the stress from your most beautiful wedding day.

We recently had the pleasure of meeting and amazing wedding planner/coordinator, Tricia Fisk, of Weddings Realized ( Her expertise in providing planning and coordinating services is evident in her personality and knowledge of her profession. In the years that she has been in the "wedding business", she has offered couples an opportunity to truly enjoy every aspect of their wedding, from the planning stages to the day of their union.

What many couples don't realize is that someone needs to be the "go to guy", especially the day of their wedding. There are so many details that need to be attended to; delivery of the flowers, DJ, food, cake, making sure all parties needed for photos are in place and ready to smile, dress is flawless, officiant is present, and so many other needs.

Also, many couples don't know that a wedding planner has great connections to other wedding professionals, and can refer you to an appropriate vendor. Often times a wedding planner can orchestrate and pass along a professional discount on flowers, rentals, venues etc. She can refer you to the best photographers and videographers in the area, where you can be sure that your wedding day is documented perfectly forever.

Couples preparing to be married should be able to concentrate on each other, not the minuscule details that can make or break their wedding day. Hand these stress makers over to a pro. I recommend that you call Tricia for a brief consult and see if she is a good fit for you. Ensure that your wedding day runs smooth and beautiful. Hire a professional wedding planner. It will be so worth your while.

God's blessings,


Friday, January 29, 2010

McKenna Video Attending 5th Annual AVP Conference

This week, McKenna Video is in attendance at the 5th Annual Association of Video Professionals Conference and Training. The conference is being held in the center of the film and video world - Los Angeles, Ca at the LAX Radisson Hotel.

Bringing together the very best video educators, trainers, and professionals in the industry, AVP’s annual conference offers great training and opportunities to network and build relationships (and sometimes partnerships) with other professionals that continue years beyond the conference. With three days of training and over 18 different sessions on topics from lighting and green screen techniques, to Final Cut Pro shortcuts, to expert techniques on creating smooth and crisp web videos, we have found ways to make video more exciting.

One of the most exciting classes that we attended was production in green screen, offered by Frank Rohmer. During the class, we had the opportunity to put together our own web-intro video, which I am posting here (sorry about the bad acting-but I was "on the spot" and had to record this in 1 take with no rehearsal).

Please visit our website,, for more information on our services and to see more demos (with better acting, of course).



Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why Every Business Needs Video

In today’s fast-paced world, video is ubiquitous. From cell phones to still cameras, most electronic devices have the capability to capture video. Length, quality and special features vary across devices, but it’s still video. And with the surging popularity of public video-sharing websites such as YouTube, virtually any newsworthy event can be e-blasted to the entire world in a matter of minutes – or even faster. Whether rudimentary or polished, silly or sophisticated, videos can captivate even the most finicky attention span. In fact, people are so fascinated by this newly accessible and personalizable technology that they’ll watch almost any kind of video. Just think about all of the video links you’ve received in emails over the past month. This is the message we need to heed in business – Videos Get Attention!

Let’s start with the basics. Every business should have a website. Period. Today, a website is the equivalent of a business card. Would you ever consider not having business cards? Of course not. Now that we’ve established this marketing mantra, let’s talk about the value of having video on your website.

The importance of video is obvious in these examples of uses on a business website:

· Promotional video – the perfect vehicle for telling everyone about your latest
and greatest product or service;
· Training video – more compelling than a boring training manual;
· Client/customer testimonials video – enhance your credibility with real-life feedback from people who know what you do;
· Product demonstration video – join the infomercial bandwagon;
· Before-and-after video – a great way to show dramatic results;
· Video message from business owner/president – words on paper lack the clout and personality of an owner’s first-person video;
· Website introduction video – with millions of websites just a few keystrokes away, it’s a challenge to grab and keep a visitor’s attention unless you make an excellent first impression with a great video story.

As you can see, there are many ways videos bring a website to life with your unique stamp, helping to distinguish you from the competition. With the ease of creating video today, you can quickly and inexpensively express your message using motion, color, audio, graphics, images and people – which would otherwise take pages to convey. The more personality your website has, the more likely visitors are to stick around and read about your products and services. Think of video on your website as the equivalent of going to a party wearing a great shirt or dress that makes a statement. Naturally, people are drawn to personality-driven websites the same way they’re drawn to personality-plus people.

If you’d like to know the next steps for creating a video “personality” for your website, email me so we can cover it in detail in the next newsletter.

